
Floating Cup Party Trick for Kids

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It’s always fun to have a few tricks up your sleeve. Over the years the boys have learned a few that they like to use to impress younger kids. This one is definitely a classic and one that any kid can learn!

Simple floating cup party trick for kids to learn!

You’ll just need a paper or styrofoam cup. Even better when it’s the one you’ve been drinking out of! This trick is best performed dramatically. Whether it looks like you’re concentrating really hard, are just so magic it’s incredible or making a scene with your amazingness – it’s always more fun when you’re dramatic!

You’ll slowly move your hands away…

Simple floating cup party trick for kids to learn! Simple floating cup party trick for kids to learn! Simple floating cup party trick for kids to learn! Simple floating cup party trick for kids to learn!

And the cup will appear to float in mid air!

The trick is that your thumb is actually in a hole you poked in the cup.

Simple floating cup party trick for kids to learn! Simple floating cup party trick for kids to learn!

So to perform it convincingly (at least for younger kids) practice in front of a mirror. You’ll need to move the cup around without showing your thumb. It’s quick to learn and fun to do!

Simple floating cup party trick for kids to learn!

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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!

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