fort friday

Fort Friday!

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I love Fort Friday and I love that you all do too! Click HERE for more about Fort Friday or more Fort Friday posts.

First I had to share this article that reader Nicola sent me (I shared on our Facebook page yesterday). The article is from Harvard’s page and is about the importance of children and free play. About Einstein and forts – definitely check it out. I hope you are inspired 🙂


Projects with shipping pallets are all the rage right now and I bet these boys didn’t even know they were trend setters 😉 They made this completely awesome fort for themselves. Thanks Cecelia so much for sharing it with us!

Juliana sent in this cozy fort that breaks down and all fits back into a bin for storage/use later.

Tangi and her son made a room sized fort using pretty much every blanket in the house lol! I bet it’s fun navigating inside that fort!

Clara’s (from son had a pajama play date (how fun would that be with a breakfast bar for a snack?!) and they of course needed a fort!


I love this fort by Peat Wollaeger on

Here are some DIY Pup Tents from Lindsay and Drew

and here’s a great treehouse from

Have a great weekend and Happy Easter if you’re celebrating!

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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!


  1. This is, by far, my favorite Fort Friday! The pallets, the PVC fort skeleton, and that article! How true! I remember riding bikes, digging up crayfish, and playing softball with the neighborhood kids far more than anything else. Thanks!

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