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Happy Fort Friday!
Here at All for the Boys we celebrate Fridays with some awesome fort inspiration from around the web. Whether made of sheets, cardboard, wood, or sticks, forts are a place we can go to transport our minds to wherever we want to go. You can play, dream, relax, or create in a fort. Everything is better in a fort!
You can share your forts by emailing me, Facebook, or Instagram and tag @allfortheboys and #fortfriday (by contacting me you are giving me permition to share your photo on the blog. Let me know if you want it linked up anywhere) – some are tagging me properly and I’m not able to pull it up again later 🙁 So if you don’t see yours here, email it to me!
Some friends of ours founds some boxes cleaning out a church closet – and what better to do with boxes than build a fort?!
A fun, easy outdoor fort from Dig this Chick
Love this cardboard creation from WPA
We were excited to see a new show premering TONIGHT on Animal Planet called Treehouse Masters!
Pete Nelson designs amazing treehouses and we can’t wait to see this show tonight!
Speaking of Pete he owns Treehouse Point where you can stay in a treehouse