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Thank you to Ubisoft for sponsoring this post. Please click here to learn more about Ubisoft. I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective. #UbiChamps
First of all Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! I am so thankful for all of you and this blog. It’s become so much more than I envisioned and can’t wait to see where it goes from here. Thank you for your support, comments, and participation!
(love this quote seen on the very talented Design Editor‘s blog)
We love Thanksgiving – the family, the food, the thanks. The boys really love getting their family together all at once. They are the only kiddos in the family right now so they like to get us involved in fun games and activities with them.
2 years ago they convinced a handful of us to play turkey tag with them. When you’re tagged you have to stand with one leg up and your arms folded in like wings. As adults tend to do we got a little competitive and this is how I ended up
Last year we started teaching the grandparents to play the Wii so this year the boys are ready to show them a brand new game Just Dance 4!
This game is so much fun – for those playing AND watching. They have a workout (Just Sweat It Out) option as well as a new Bring Your Crew option where each member has some different choreography. My youngest (8) LOVES this new option and cracks up every time I have to interact with him during a song. On Jailhouse Rock I had to grab his leg and play it like a guitar and it took a long time to recover after the laughing fit that ensued.
You can also download additional songs (Gangnam Style just came out yesterday!) if you want more added. The boys are excited to have their great grandma dance to Elvis! They have it all planned out. I think it’s great because you don’t have to push many buttons so it’s easy to get everyone involved without having to “teach” them how to use it.
Just Dance 4 gets a big 2 thumbs up from all of us. We can’t wait to burn some calories dancing AND laughing after our Thanksgiving dinner today!
Happy Thanksgiving!
1 Comment
Cool post. Wii dance is a lot of fun. Video games that are encouraging activity and dancing are definitely helpful compared to some of the past games history of not promoting the right values.