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With Valentine’s Day sneaking up on us I thought I’d share multiple ways to create a heart out of LEGO bricks. On Facebook Lisa S. told me about her Valentine’s plans with her kids. She’s going to give them a LEGO heart and take them to the new LEGO movie (comes out on Friday) and then have heart shaped brownies waiting at home. Such a great idea!
Here are some LEGO hearts that you could make for your kids or give them the inspiration to create for others. Be sure to share your (or their) creations with us to give some more ideas!
from Erin Hung on Flickr
from car_mp on Flickr
from Artsicle
from lmnop
from monsterlego on Instructables
from Brickplayer
from Larry Lars on Flickr
1 Comment
Lovely Lego ideas!