
Let’s Stick Together Printable Valentines for Decals or Stickers

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If you’re looking for a super simple printable Valentine, have a kid who loves cool decals or stickers, or just want a non-candy Valentine to send out this year, I’ve got the perfect one for you! These “Let’s stick together” Valentines have a big space to add a sticker or decal of your choice. Add your name on the back and you’re good to go. Let's stick together Valentine's card to add stickers to


Here’s the free printable file. It includes “friend” and “Valentine” and has 6 per sheet so just print as many copies as you need. Print on white or colored cardstock so that they hold up to Valentine’s Day deliveries! They are easiest to cut out with a paper trimmer (one of my favorite printable tools) but scissors work too.

Let's stick together Valentine's card to add stickers to

There are many Valentine’s Day sticker options online or in store, or if you have kids like mine, you may have a large collection of decal type stickers at home. You can also try your luck at a random pack online (what my older boys prefer) just know there might be some inappropriate for school (drug related etc.) stickers in the batch so go with a larger selection just in case!

Let's stick together Valentine's card to add stickers to

I like to use Pop Dots or dimensional foam adhesive dots when attaching the stickers because it makes it obvious that the sticker is for the recipient to use.

Let's stick together Valentine's card to add stickers toLet's stick together Valentine's card to add stickers to

You could also use any double sided adhesive. Add stickers to all of your Valentines, sign the back and deliver!

Let's stick together Valentine's card to add stickers to Let's stick together Valentine's card to add stickers to

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Let's stick together Valentine's card to add stickers to

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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!

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