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space week


I hate when I have things rolling around in my head that I’ve been wanting to share but I just haven’t done it. It’s like they are hanging there taking up precious brain space so today I’m finally going to share to get them out of there! Here are some things that are definitely worth mentioning and worth you checking out!

We recently got this helmet for one of the boys who needed a new one and I am really impressed.


Click through for all of this weeks mentions (you won’t want to miss them)!

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Packing lunches is 100% NOT my favorite thing to do. I hate that I dread doing it so I’m trying to actively change that. I’ve followed Laura from MOMables on Twitter and Instagram for a while and am totally intruiged by her awesome ritual of preparing all kinds of different, delicious looking lunches in one night for her kids (and herself).

Click over to see what MOMables is all about and enter for a chance to win a 3 month membership and $15 Amazon gift card!

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