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If you’re looking for some unique Valentine’s Day cards that not everyone else is going to have, Family Fun has some great printable options that you can use with some store bought items!
All printables and ideas from FamilyFun magazine.
YO-YO – Print the template onto 8½-by-11-inch sticker paper (at office-supply stores), and have your child trim it out using pinking shears. Stick it onto the yo-yo, and you’re good to go!
ZOO ANIMALS – Print greeting onto card stock; cut out. Trim a piece of sushi grass (we found ours on amazon.com) to the width of the card. Insert the greeting, grass, and zoo animal into a cellophane bag; tape it closed.
PLAYING CARDS – Print the template onto 8½-by-11-inch sticker paper; cut out. Wrap a box of cards once with washi tape, then stick the greeting onto the box.
PAINT PALETTES – Help your child splatter card stock with watercolors; let dry. (Practice on a test template first.) Print greetings onto the painted card stock and cut out. Punch holes in each, then attach the tags to the paint sets with string.
JACKS SET – Insert scrap cardboard into a small muslin bag (we found ours on papermart.com). Help your child stamp a heart onto the bag; let dry. Print the greeting; cut out and insert into the bag, along with a jacks set.
CRAYONS & NOTEPADS – Place crayons on top of a notepad and wrap with a rubber band. Print the template onto plain paper; cut out. Wrap it around the bundle and tape in place in the back.
PARACHUTER – Print greeting onto cloud-patterned paper (we found ours at officesupply.com); cut out. Adhere paper to card stock with a glue stick. Attach parachuter with a glue dot.
SILLY GLASSES – Print the greetings onto card stock; cut out. Use double-stick tape to attach the glasses onto the card stock, or punch holes for each of the temple pieces, thread them through, and fold closed.
I always love simple fun Valentine ideas. Which one is your favorite? Thanks to FamilyFun Magazine for sharing these with us!