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I love printables (as long as I have ink and paper). They provide an easy, cheap activity that I don’t have to leave the house or think too much about. I like ones I can print out and keep on hand for long restaurant visits (when I remember to bring them) or car rides. Something new to do/play with without having to go search the store for something different.
I’ve shared some of my favorites before so I thought I’d share some more – there are some for older or younger kids here.
I love this vintage I Spy printable from Just Something I Made
Or mazes for every level from Krazy Dad (there are thousands and other printable games as well)
I love anything Joel makes and he just posted these printable Paper City Halloween characters
Or this fishing game from Meet the Dubiens (printable fish from Tricia Reanna)
I heart crafty things came up with this awesome evelope shark and Frogs in My Pockets has some printables for him to munch.
My boys are into Mad Libs these days and I found a few Fall (and other holidays) on Classroom Jr.