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I’m happy to be back with Part 3 of our “Surviving Sick Days” series with Children’s Mucinex! In our first post we talked about staying healthy (we all try SO hard) but when the cold or flu does hit I definitely go into full blown Mom mode. In Part 2 we shared a super fun DIY dry erase album that many of you loved! Today I have a game that my sick kiddos really love and I think yours will too! It’s a DIY catapult game!
You’ll just need craft sticks (slotted or not – these were the ones we had on hand), rubberbands (I had the small clear hair elastics), a plastic spoon, and whatever you want to catapult!
The design is pretty straight forward – stack up 6 or 7 sticks and rubberband them together. Make a “V” around the stack with 2 more sticks and secure with rubberbands making an x over the 2 sticks (as shown in the images)
When laying down I used a clipboard for a sturdy base and placed a bucket at the end of the couch to try and launch the balls into.
My boys like it best when I participate by holding the bucket and moving it around to catch the balls. It’s fun to experiment with different angles of the catapult (more sticks on the bottom) and different sized/weight balls to launch into the bucket.
It’s such a fun game to make and play! Luckily Children’s Mucinex helps them feel a bit more up to playing games since it does help clear their congestion and perk them up a bit when they are fighting the bug. This allows us to experiment a bit more.
Don’t forget that Children’s Mucinex Multi-Symptom Cold is offering you a $2.00 off coupon to use on your next purchase!
Children’s Mucinex Multi-Symptom Cold
When your child has a bad cold, you both can feel miserable. Children’s Mucinex is the #1 children’s brand for relieving congestion* and provides fast acting relief from your child’s worst cold symptoms. Try Children’s Mucinex Multi-Symptom Cold if your child needs relief from stuffy nose and chest congestion. Always use Children’s Mucinex Multi-Symptom Cold as directed. (*Based on IRI unit share data for the 52 weeks ending November 2012)
“What is your or your child’s favorite game?” Share your answer as a comment below for the chance to win a $100 CVS gift card!
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The Official Rules are available here.
This sweepstakes runs from 2/20/2013 – 3/31/2013
Be sure to visit the Children’s Mucinex Multi-Symptom Cold page on BlogHer.com where you can read other bloggers’ reviews and find more chances to win!
My kids like playing dominoes or Uno.
My boys love to play board games. I just asked my 5 year old what his favorite game is out of all the ones we play. Not surprisingly he answered, "Mouse Trap" probably because we just got it yesterday. (at a kids consignment store for a quarter!)
My almost five year old son still likes Candy Land and Chutes and Ladders,e specially becuase he wins every time! He is also starting to really like the game of Sorry-which he has won often as well. :~
My kids are Thomas and Duplo fanatics.
For the moment, it's chess. He enjoys the battle/strategy aspect.
We got him several cheap small nerve gun and we made a 'target practice' on our glass door (because it sticks better there)! No one allows to shoot people, only the target picture … I write funny words when he misses the target and will get high scores to hit the bull-eye, he really loves this game, especially during rainy days .. even daddy got a little competitive with it 🙂 Thanks for the chance.
I'm a nanny, not a mom, but my nanny girls LOVE to play charades! Any time and any place, "Guess what I am!" So much fun!
For board games, the bigs like No Stress Chess or Monopoly, the littles like Memory.
For any game, they love to do animal walks for some purpose. For example, crab walk to the end of the hallway to get a puzzle piece, bring it back like a frog and put the piece in.
My little one likes playing puzzles.
She loves hide n seek, trouble, and sorry.
My son's favorite game is Uno Attack.
They play a lot of conncct four and wii games
My kids are in love with ZINGO right now.
My son loves playing his Curious George Discovery Beach game.
Not really a game, but my son loves playing with his Hot Wheels Monster Jam trucks.
currently our favorite is Uno
my boys favorite game is by far…hide and go seek!
My boys love chess or checkers.
DDs love UNO
And when our sick kids play the catapult game, the bucket can pull double duty to catch, um, er, p-u-k-e. 😉 My kids' favorite game lately has been Uno. Last year it was Sorry Sliders.
My baby girl Loves Candy Land and Memory lol
my daughter loves playing Uno
My daughter loves the game of things
My son loves checkers. 🙂
Colorful traditional puzzles to put together.
jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
My son likes chess
My God-daughter loves her Littlest Pet Shop Wii game.
My kids love Chinese checkers.
They like Memory and Uno.
My daughter loves Crazy Eights
My kids love playing Chutes & Ladders.
break the ice
My kids enjoyed playing Chutes and Ladders
My boys love Labyrinth and Battleship – two games from my own childhood!
like to play darts
My daughter likes Candyland
My son loves to play Suspend and Connect 4
For cards Crazy Eight and board games Candyland.
Thank you.
barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com
When the kids are sick, our favorite game to play is War with a deck of cards 🙂
Pat a cake is my sons favorite.
My toddler loves playing with his wooden blocks.
when my little ones are sick they love playing go fish
Thanks! Janna JOhnson jannajanna@hotmail.com janna@feedyourpig on gfc
His favorite game is Monopoly happyskunky at yahoo dot com
My daughter loved mazes and I Spy books
They love Monopoly
Different games at different ages but Yahtzee is a predictable go-to game around here.
ky2here at msn dot com
dolniaks at consolidated dot net
They smile when I read books to them.
We love playing bored games. Our current favorites are Apples to Apples and Catch Phrase. On sick days quiet games like Go fish are more popular.