
My First Walk on the Red Carpet for The BFG Premiere! #TheBFGEvent

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I did it! I walked down the red carpet and didn’t trip. The BFG Premiere in Hollywood was such a fun experience and my first ever walk on the red carpet!

The BFG Red Carpet premiere in Hollywood. Perspective from a first timer #TheBFGEvent

I kind of knew what to expect from following other bloggers, but every red carpet is different and this one started off on a very HOT day!

The BFG Red Carpet premiere in Hollywood. Perspective from a first timer #TheBFGEvent

The BFG Premiere red carpet was placed along Hollywood Blvd so it ended at El Capitan theatre. It split off towards the middle so that you could walk across into the pre-party that took place in the Hard Rock Cafe (across the street from El Capitan).

We actually were among the first to walk along the red carpet which meant that it wasn’t packed and made it very easy to get pictures of ourselves at the different photo opps (this doesn’t always happen).

The BFG Red Carpet premiere in Hollywood. Perspective from a first timer #TheBFGEventThe BFG Red Carpet premiere in Hollywood. Perspective from a first timer #TheBFGEventThe BFG Red Carpet premiere in Hollywood. Perspective from a first timer #TheBFGEvent The BFG Red Carpet premiere in Hollywood. Perspective from a first timer #TheBFGEvent

This is at the end of the red carpet and here’s the view all the way down to the beginning.

The BFG Red Carpet premiere in Hollywood. Perspective from a first timer #TheBFGEvent

The sun was blaring and we had gotten lots of photos so we headed into the Hard Rock Cafe. At this time most of the celebrities were arriving as we were inside (of course) but here are some favorites that I eventually spotted inside the theater at some point or another. I love people watching so it was fun to basically wade through a sea of celebrities while getting my popcorn before the movie.

HOLLYWOOD, CA - JUNE 21: (L-R) Actors Jonathan Holmes, Paul Moniz de Sa, Daniel Bacon, Chris Gibbs, Jemaine Clement, Penelope Wilton, Mark Rylance, Ruby Barnhill, Bill Hader, director Steven Spielberg, actors Rebecca Hall, Rafe Spall, composer John Williams and producer Frank Marshall arrive on the red carpet for the US premiere of Disney's "The BFG," directed and produced by Steven Spielberg. A giant sized crowd lined the streets of Hollywood Boulevard to see stars arrive at the El Capitan Theatre. "The BFG" opens in U.S. theaters on July 1, 2016, the year that marks the 100th anniversary of Dahl's birth, at the El Capitan Theatre on June 21, 2016 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Jesse Grant/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** Jonathan Holmes; Paul Moniz de Sa; Daniel Bacon; Chris Gibbs; Jemaine Clement; Penelope Wilton; Mark Rylance; Ruby Barnhill; Bill Hader; Steven Spielberg; Rebecca Hall; Rafe Spall; John Williams; Frank Marshall
(Photo by Jesse Grant/Getty Images for Disney) –  Jonathan Holmes; Paul Moniz de Sa; Daniel Bacon; Chris Gibbs; Jermaine Clement; Penelope Wilton; Mark Rylance; Ruby Barnhill; Bill Hader; Steven Spielberg; Rebecca Hall; Rafe Spall; John Williams; Frank Marshall

HOLLYWOOD, CA - JUNE 21: (L-R) Director Steven Spielberg, actress Ruby Barnhill and actor Mark Rylance arrive on the red carpet for the US premiere of Disney's "The BFG," directed and produced by Steven Spielberg. A giant sized crowd lined the streets of Hollywood Boulevard to see stars arrive at the El Capitan Theatre. "The BFG" opens in U.S. theaters on July 1, 2016, the year that marks the 100th anniversary of Dahl's birth, at the El Capitan Theatre on June 21, 2016 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Jesse Grant/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** Steven Spielberg; Ruby Barnhill; Mark Rylance
(Photo by Jesse Grant/Getty Images for Disney) – Steven Spielberg; Ruby Barnhill; Mark Rylance

HOLLYWOOD, CA - JUNE 21: Actress Ruby Barnhill arrives on the red carpet for the US premiere of Disney's "The BFG," directed and produced by Steven Spielberg. A giant sized crowd lined the streets of Hollywood Boulevard to see stars arrive at the El Capitan Theatre. "The BFG" opens in U.S. theaters on July 1, 2016, the year that marks the 100th anniversary of Dahl's birth, at the El Capitan Theatre on June 21, 2016 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Jesse Grant/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** Ruby Barnhill
(Photo by Jesse Grant/Getty Images for Disney) – Ruby Barnhill

HOLLYWOOD, CA - JUNE 21: Actress Rebecca Hall arrives on the red carpet for the US premiere of Disney's "The BFG," directed and produced by Steven Spielberg. A giant sized crowd lined the streets of Hollywood Boulevard to see stars arrive at the El Capitan Theatre. "The BFG" opens in U.S. theaters on July 1, 2016, the year that marks the 100th anniversary of Dahl's birth, at the El Capitan Theatre on June 21, 2016 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** Rebecca Hall
(Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) – Rebecca Hall

HOLLYWOOD, CA - JUNE 21: (L-R) Actors Bill Hader, Jemaine Clement and Olafur Darri Olafsson arrive on the red carpet for the US premiere of Disney's "The BFG," directed and produced by Steven Spielberg. A giant sized crowd lined the streets of Hollywood Boulevard to see stars arrive at the El Capitan Theatre. "The BFG" opens in U.S. theaters on July 1, 2016, the year that marks the 100th anniversary of Dahl's birth, at the El Capitan Theatre on June 21, 2016 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** Bill Hader; Jemaine Clement; Olafur Darri Olafsson
(Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) Bill Hader; Jermaine Clement; Olafur Darri Olafsson
I’m not a big “hey can I have a selfie with you” type of person so it was just fun to people watch, though I did say hi/make small talk with Kristen Shaal (Trixie from Toy Story, Mabel from Gravity Falls, Last Man on Earth etc) while we got caught in a crowd coming out of the bathroom lol!

HOLLYWOOD, CA - JUNE 21: Actress Kristen Schaal arrives on the red carpet for the US premiere of Disney's "The BFG," directed and produced by Steven Spielberg. A giant sized crowd lined the streets of Hollywood Boulevard to see stars arrive at the El Capitan Theatre. "The BFG" opens in U.S. theaters on July 1, 2016, the year that marks the 100th anniversary of Dahl's birth, at the El Capitan Theatre on June 21, 2016 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** Kristen Schaal
(Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) – Kristen Schaal
So while those celebrities were arriving, I was people watching inside the Hard Rock Cafe at the pre-party.

The BFG Red Carpet premiere in Hollywood. Perspective from a first timer #TheBFGEvent The BFG Red Carpet premiere in Hollywood. Perspective from a first timer #TheBFGEvent

There was food, ice cream sundae bars, green screen photo fun, music and celebrities! Once we came out, the air was much cooler and the sun starting to go down. The red carpet was much busier as well! We went straight to the El Capitan to find our seats.

The BFG Red Carpet premiere in Hollywood. Perspective from a first timer #TheBFGEvent The BFG Red Carpet premiere in Hollywood. Perspective from a first timer #TheBFGEvent The BFG Red Carpet premiere in Hollywood. Perspective from a first timer #TheBFGEvent The BFG Red Carpet premiere in Hollywood. Perspective from a first timer #TheBFGEvent

I’ll give my full review on the movie next week, but to sit in a theater with the incredible talent that created the very film you’re watching is so crazy. We even spotted John Williams, the incredible composer of films like Jaws, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park, the first three Harry Potter films. Just think about how iconic the music is in some of those films for a second. He’s amazing and created the music for The BFG as well.

HOLLYWOOD, CA - JUNE 21: Composer John Williams (L) and director Steven Spielberg arrive on the red carpet for the US premiere of Disney's "The BFG," directed and produced by Steven Spielberg. A giant sized crowd lined the streets of Hollywood Boulevard to see stars arrive at the El Capitan Theatre. "The BFG" opens in U.S. theaters on July 1, 2016, the year that marks the 100th anniversary of Dahl's birth, at the El Capitan Theatre on June 21, 2016 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) *** Local Caption *** John Williams; Steven Spielberg
(Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney) – John Williams; Steven Spielberg
The energy while watching the movie and after was so great and it was such a special treat to be able to experience this with all of them!

The BFG Red Carpet premiere in Hollywood. Perspective from a first timer #TheBFGEvent

It was dark when we came out into a sea of people and there were lots of fans yelling their favorite actors’ names to try and get them to turn their way for a photo or signature. We snapped a quick photo of our whole group

The BFG Red Carpet premiere in Hollywood. Perspective from a first timer #TheBFGEventand then walked over to the “Oscar stairs” for one last photo of the night.

The BFG Red Carpet premiere in Hollywood. Perspective from a first timer #TheBFGEvent

I’ll be sharing more from my trip next week! If you want to know how I chose my outfit you can read about that here.


The BFG opens in U.S. theaters on July 1, 2016, the year that marks the 100th anniversary of Dahl’s birth!

“The talents of three of the world’s greatest storytellers – Roald Dahl, Walt Disney and Steven Spielberg –finally unite to bring Dahl’s beloved classic “The BFG” to life. Directed by Spielberg, Disney’s “The BFG” tells the imaginative story of a young girl and the Giant who introduces her to the wonders and perils of Giant Country. The BFG (Mark Rylance), while a giant himself, is a Big Friendly Giant and nothing like the other inhabitants of Giant Country. Standing 24-feet tall with enormous ears and a keen sense of smell, he is endearingly dim-witted and keeps to himself for the most part. Giants like Bloodbottler (Bill Hader) and Fleshlumpeater (Jemaine Clement) on the other hand, are twice as big and at least twice as scary and have been known to eat humans, while the BFG prefers Snozzcumber and Frobscottle. Upon her arrival in Giant Country, Sophie, a precocious 10-year-old girl from London, is initially frightened of the mysterious giant who has brought her to his cave, but soon comes to realize that the BFG is actually quite gentle and charming, and, having never met a giant before, has many questions. The BFG brings Sophie to Dream Country where he collects dreams and sends them to children, teaching her all about the magic and mystery of dreams. Having both been on their own in the world up until now, their affection for one another quickly grows, but Sophie’s presence in Giant Country has attracted the unwanted attention of the other giants, who have become increasingly more bothersome. Sophie and the BFG soon depart for London to see the Queen (Penelope Wilton) and warn her of the precarious giant situation, but they must first convince the Queen and her maid, Mary (Rebecca Hall), that giants do indeed exist. Together, they come up with a plan to get rid of the giants once and for all.”

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The BFG Red Carpet premiere in Hollywood. Perspective from a first timer #TheBFGEvent

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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!

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