
Let’s Talk LEGO part 2

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Of course these ideas will work for any type of small toys with instructions but the last time we talked about LEGO storage there was some question on instructions and how they are kept/stored. 

Five Little Reasons laminated and stored the instructions on a line of hooks

Meredith from My 4 Boys put all of hers into page protectors in to binders

Kristy Makes also put them into binders but put some of the smaller ones into baseball card protectors

Making Chicken Salad simply puts them all in a file box

But I also love how they store their minifigs – kind of like at the Lego Store!

As for us, I can never seem to keep track of the instructions after it’s built. The boys kept some for a while or would hang on to their favorites, but now we keep them until they’ve built the set and once the set either goes on display or with the rest of the Legos we recycle the instructions and pull up whichever ones we want on the Lego site HERE. You can pretty much search any set new or old and find what you’re looking for. This may not be ideal for everyone but certainly works for us!

Do you have a different method to storing the instructions?

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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!


  1. I love your Lego Storage posts! My husband is a Lego FREAK! No really, there is a closet in our house full of nothing but his Lego all sorted by color, size and use into different plastic bins. My favorite Lego storage that he has though, is for his mini figures. He bought a tackle box for fishing and separated all the little parts and accessories into each compartment. Very neat and tidy and they don't get mixed up if he doesn't want them to be!

  2. I never realised the instructions were all online – that makes me feel so much better. I was beginning to feel very inadequate in the face of all that organisation you featured. Ours get binned after first construction too.

  3. Are you a Lego addict? Well, good for you. You are collecting a great toy of all time. I have one set of Lego toys at home and I want to pursue collecting another set. I will go later to a toy store near us to look for it.

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