
Sometimes Parties Don’t Go As Planned

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I thought I’d write a little post since I talked about my boy’s sleepover on Facebook. We had planned to have 4 boys plus my 2 over for a sleepover with all kinds of amazing sleepover activities and of course a midnight snack bar. However, things change.

We had planned on moving beforehand and were supposed to be settled in by then. Things changed and we were in the new house but just barely. There was nothing there. So we brought a few things over so that we could sleep there since that was the address on the invite. Then we realized that no one had RSVP’d except for one boy. I didn’t want to plan a million activities for 6 kids when we may have none. So I bought decorations and got snacks last minute. We picked out some things to put together a few goodie bags. 

1 boy did come and my boy decided that to make it more of a special sleepover we’d go to a pizza place with an arcade and then to the movies (yes we did have the other boys’ parents permission). So we did. We saw BRAVE which they all liked and then came home for late ice cream cupcakes.

We did end up doing a few activities and I had my camera BUT forgot my memory card so iPhone photos it is.

Our birthday table set up

After the movie we came home and had a glow party. We put glow sticks into white balloons, had glow necklaces and glasses from the dollar section at Target

In the morning – a part of the party my son was most excited – cereal lol! We don’t ever buy cereal so he was super excited to buy several different types to choose from along with some cinnamon rolls on his birthday party morning.

Then we went swimming at 8am and made light sabers out of pool noodles.

In the end he loved his little sleepover. His Harry Potter party last year was a bit more involved so having it a little easier this year may have just been what we needed. Just some more proof that we aren’t perfect over here either 😉

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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!


  1. even if it was small, it sounds like a LOT of fun!!!! (and MUCH easier to handle!!!) i love the fun activities you did. . .and the pool noodle light sabers are BRILLIANT!!!! what an adorable idea! (I better not let my son see it!) giggle giggle! thanks for sharing such super inspiration! and happy birthday to your little man!!! 🙂

  2. Yep, sometimes the best parties are the ones that are planned out in advance! Its hard for kids with summer birthdays bc so many of their friends arent able to attend due to summer activities. But they still have fun anyways!

  3. I never understand why people don't RSVP – i don't care if you don't come, JUST TELL ME!
    I think it looks like a great party!

  4. It sounds like your birthday party was perfect for him! I'm so glad you shared this! We often have "parties" with just 1-2 children and it makes my boys much happier. So often moms feel like their parties were failures because not enough kids came or they didn't hand design their invitations – not true! I love that you were honest and it looks like he had fun!

  5. Aww! You guys pulled it off awesomely! Happy birthday to your guy. Looks like a pretty amazing way to celebrate a birthday.

  6. You are an awesome mum.
    I'm curious…….what do Americans eat for breakfast if you never have cereal?

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