
Disney Side VoluntEAR Party

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We started thinking about hosting a Disney Side Home Celebration after our last one. We love showing our Disney Side in this house so having friends and family over to do just that is always fun. This year we were chosen by a team at Disney to host a party and share our fun with you!

Disney Side VoluntEARing party #DisneySide

I’ve mentioned before that this year we wanted to concentrate on giving more of our time to others, so with the inspiration of the Disney VoluntEARS we chose to have a voluntEARing party. The Disney VoluntEARs was started in 1983 by Disneyland Resort cast members expressed a desire to form a team focused on providing meaningful service to the community. Their “mission is to develop opportunities for Disneyland Resort cast members and their families to contribute personal time, expertise and effort to make a positive impact on our community while furthering the ideals of The Walt Disney Company.”

The Disney team sent us some awesome printables this year and the best part is that you can print them out too. I set up a small dessert/welcome table to welcome our guests because we needed the big table for working!

Disney Side VoluntEARing party #DisneySide

Disney Side VoluntEARing party #DisneySideOur giving project was with Sole Hope whose purpose is to effectively put in place preventive methods to combat diseases that enter through the feet and to create a positive physical and spiritual difference in the lives of individuals in impoverished communities. We helped out by hosting a shoe cutting party where you cut patterns out of recycled jeans that will be made into shoes!

Disney Side VoluntEARing party #DisneySide

Disney Side VoluntEARing party #DisneySideIn between tracing and cutting I had some games, snacks and movies for the kiddos.

Disney Side VoluntEARing party #DisneySide

Disney Side VoluntEARing party #DisneySide

Disney Side VoluntEARing party #DisneySideWhen we talked about food (because we have to feed our hard workers right?!) Parker suggested a New Orleans Square theme so we made a big pot of Jambalaya! I left out the cayenne because of the kids and it still tasted really good. Not the same as eating at the Blue Bayou, but still very good!

Disney Side VoluntEARing party #DisneySideI love that Disney can inspire us in so many ways. Usually fun, magical ways but in ways that make a difference too! Check out the Disney Side Celebrations site for even more inspiration to host your own!

Disclosure: We were sent a fun box with products to host our own #disneyside party but were not compensated to post. All opinions, ideas and love of Disney is 100% our own.

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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!


  1. What a great party with a great result! Love that you’re teaching kids that they can have fun and help others at the same time.

    • Thanks so much Shannan! I am working hard this year to teach the kids to look beyond themselves, our family and our town, BUT we can definitely have fun and inspire others while doing it 😉

  2. This is by far my favorite #DisneySide party! First because it’s not a artificially colored mass of sugar and mostly because it’s about helping others. Truly perfect. Thank you for working on raising wonderful little human beings who see beyond their wants.

    Your photography is stunning as well. I loved every little thing about your party and only wish we lived closer!

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