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Wondering what is Free Comic Book Day? Or how to participate in Free Comic Book Day? We have all the info here for you including what comic books will be available on Free Comic Book Day and where to go to get free comic books on Free Comic Book Day! It’s one of our favorite days of the year and we’ve participated since the boys were little.
What is Free Comic Book Day?
Free Comic Book Day is the first Saturday in May where participating retailers give out free comic books. There are comics specifically printed for Free Comic Book Day available for free!
We’ve also found that many comic book shops run their own events and promotions (free or very cheap comics) at the same time. Lots of shops will have writers or groups out to celebrate and often times you will find lots of photo opps with favorite characters.
All you have to do to participate is find your nearest participating comic book shop on the Free Comic Book Day site and visit the first Saturday of the month (THIS Saturday May 5, 2018). Not every store participates, but MANY of them do. Try calling your local stores as well to get info on what they’re doing to celebrate!
Every store has a different policy on how many comics each person or family can take so just find out from them ahead of time. We often visit several shops to take advantage of each store’s specials and stock up for the Summer or even for gifts!
What Comic Books Will Be Available on Free Comic Book Day?
The great thing about Free Comic Book Day is that there is something for everyone! They posted a FULL list of comic books on their site. Here are some of our favorites for this year:
Plus MORE! Check out the full list HERE.
Tips for Free Comic Book Day
- If you’ve never participated before, every store has different rules so be sure to ask when you get there (they should tell you as soon as you walk in).
- Start early. Since they are free a lot of families love to take advantage of Free Comic Book Day – and why not?! If you’re really wanting a certain comic, be sure to start in the morning.
- Check times for your local stores. Some stores have really fun events planned so be sure to see what they have going on.
- Bring your camera! There will likely be lots of cosplayers and maybe even clubs meeting up in full costume.
- Have fun!
Have you ever participated in Free Comic Book Day? We love it and can’t wait for Saturday!