
Let’s Go Camping – Printable Paper Play Set

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When the boys were younger I often kept quiet activities like this in my bag for restaurants. It’s an interactive activity that you can color, play with, make stop motion videos with (for older kids) and even make into a magnet board activity if you want.

Let's Go Camping - printable play set

Most months in Arizona are great for camping, it just dependsĀ on what part of the state you want to camp in. Whether or not it’s camping season in your state, anytime is the perfect time for this camping playset and it’s our first ever printable scene playset (we’re working on more) – and you can download for free here.

Let's Go Camping - printable play set Let's Go Camping - printable play set

Some tips/ideas:

  • print on cardstock
  • cut out triangle or other shapes into rectangles then fold and finish cutting to make both sides evenLet's Go Camping - printable play set Let's Go Camping - printable play set Let's Go Camping - printable play set
  • have kids color before cutting to minimize coloring on the table
  • this is the printer I regularly use along with the HP Instant Ink program (LOVE it)
  • cut out just one side, laminate and attach a magnet onto the back and use in the car with a cookie sheet for on the go fun
  • print extras for more kids, trees, mountains etc.
  • another more permanent idea is to mod podge the characters onto wood blocks

Let's Go Camping - printable play set Let's Go Camping - printable play set Let's Go Camping - printable play set Let's Go Camping - printable play set Let's Go Camping - printable play set Let's Go Camping - printable play set When we played with these I just kept them in a plastic bag in my purse or bag and when they got used enough we recycled and found new ones.Let's Go Camping - printable play set

I’d love to know what you think of this, if you use it, if your kids like it and if so, maybe some ideas for future sets!

Let's Go Camping - printable play set Let's Go Camping - printable play set


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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!


  1. Merci pour votre partage.
    Mes petits-enfants vont adorer faire ce bricolage et vont jouer pendants des heures

  2. Are Tonneau Reply

    That’s totally awesome! This will be very effective entertainment for siblings who are naughty and over active to keep them entertained.

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