
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Parent Review – No Spoilers!

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I had the incredible pleasure of seeing Star Wars: The Force Awakens yesterday. We have tickets for tomorrow night, but I was given the chance to attend an early press screening to share a bit with you today! I will not be spoiling ANY part of the movie but if you want to go in not hearing ANY news or thoughts don’t read any further. If you have some questions on whether or not to take your kids, keep reading, I’ll try to give some thoughts that might help.

STAR WARS: The Force Awakens Parent Review - No spoilers!If you love Star Wars you should see it. If you kind of like Star Wars you should see it. If you have no idea what Star Wars is, catch up a bit, then go see it.

The film was beautifully done. It’s hard to explain but it felt much like the originals in color or videography (I’m not sure how to describe it) but it was a bit cleaner or clearer if that makes sense. Without giving anything away… I loved it! It was better than the prequels in my opinion.

STAR WARS: The Force Awakens Parent Review - No spoilers!Now about the kids – if you think they could watch any of the previous films in the theater than they should be fine with this one. Obviously our kids didn’t see these in theaters but if you think about how they’d feel watching them on the big screen with loud music and possibly 3D then you should have a good idea of how they’d do in this one. I don’t think there are any more (or worse) violent or intense scenes than you’d see in say, Revenge of the Sith.

STAR WARS: The Force Awakens Parent Review - No spoilers!If you are worried about little or sensitive kids being scared, or the movie being too intense, maybe you could see it first and then take them. You’ll probably want to see it a second time anyway 😉

STAR WARS: The Force Awakens Parent Review - No spoilers!Man, it’s hard to give advice without spoiling anything!

STAR WARS: The Force Awakens Parent Review - No spoilers!I love the new characters as much as the old ones and think that JJ Abrams did an incredible job with the film. I can’t imagine the immense pressure and high expectations he must have been up against.

STAR WARS: The Force Awakens Parent Review - No spoilers!And yes, I love BB-8 as much as I thought I would considering we made a costume and crafts WAY before we ever saw the movie!

STAR WARS: The Force Awakens Parent Review - No spoilers!If you love Star Wars plan on seeing it more than once. I am SO excited that we have tickets for Thursday and then we’re seeing it again on Tuesday. There is plenty I want to see again and new details I want to take in. I know my kids (11 & 13) are going to LOVE it.

Let me know if you have any questions! If the answer requires any spoilers I’ll email you. Maybe I’ll come back in next week and give more thoughts but wanted to leave any details out so that you can enjoy the movie like I did! I will say that I wish it would have been longer (more on that later).

*Edited to add  – as far as bad words, some friends caught “damn it” and “hell” but they were only said twice.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens parent review with no spoilers - or you can ask your questions in the comment section and she'll email you if the answer requires a spoiler!

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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!


  1. Thank you for this review! I was hoping that this Star Wars would be as clean as the ones in the past and you have confirmed that so I am grateful. We have tickets for Saturday morning and I can hardly wait. I’m wearing my hair in Leia buns!!

    My biggest question, and I’m not even sure if it will be the same, is the previews at the theater before the movie begins. Previews before are usually for movies of the same rating. Since Star Wars is PG-13, were there any questionable previews?

    Let me know what you think.

    Thank you so much!


    • Oh that’s a great question! I’ve heard that they’re showing the Jungle Book and Captain America: Civil War before, hopefully they’ve tailored the others similarly. The preview screenings don’t show previews, but we’re going tonight at 7 so I’ll check back in and let you know!

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