
Why You Should Stock Your Freezer With Easy Snacks

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As you gear up for the new school year, school supplies aren’t the only thing you should stock up on. Yes, you’ll need all sorts of things for lunch, but don’t forget about the easy snacks. My boys have always come home from school super hungry so we’ve always made sure to have snacks like José Olé® Chicken & Cheese Taquitos and José Olé® Beef Taquitos on hand. Over the years we’ve learned that great snacks (that can easily be turned into meals) aren’t just for after school!

Why You Should Stock Your Freezer With Easy Snacks

We love having our freezer stocked with filling snacks like these José Olé Chicken & Cheese Taquitos and Beef Taquitos (new at Walmart). You can find these in the freezer aisle.

I love that they are super easy to make in the oven or microwave so we can cook them whatever way we’re feeling like that day. Even better than being easy, they are so flavorful and delicious everyone in the house loves them. They are great for a quick snack as you’re running out the door, or a great snack to have together while talking about our days.

So, beyond after school snacks (which is a reason all its own), here are some great reasons to keep your freezer stocked with easy snacks:

  • Before/after sports snacks
  • Quick appetizers to eat while waiting for a longer meal to be made (or if you didn’t get dinner started on time)
  • To have options for snacks when friends come over. The boys’ friends love coming over and getting a filling snack. They know we always have snacks in the freezer to choose from and they get to try new things.
  • Easy dinners – by adding toppings and a side or two, your favorite snacks can become a great easy meal, especially for those days when everyone’s plans change.
  • Late-night refueling after long workdays, meetings, or games/tournaments.

My favorite reason is to have ALL the options for friends. Teenagers always seem to be hungry! I love that snacks like these in the freezer last a while, create a nice hot meal, and are simple to prepare.

José Olé® Taquitos Offers

Get ready to stock up your freezer! José Olé® is celebrating back to school with a $1.50 Ibotta rebate offer at Walmart plus text to win promotion where you can win cool prizes including Walmart gift cards! Find out more details here!

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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!

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