Thank you Vacasa for sponsoring this post. Find your Vacasa home for the Summer today! Living in Phoenix and having family in Southern California means that we have…
This year the boys wanted one of those creepy animal masks. You know the ones. At the last minute they decided they wanted to somehow create a “punny”…
We shared a few fun “experience” gift ideas last year and I have a few new ones I wanted to share this year. I LOVE giving gifts of experience but really love being able to give my family members something tangible as well. There’s just something about unwrapping a gift, or watching your family and friends unwrapping a gift, that just makes the day!
80+ blog buddies and I got together to bring you 80+ DIY Halloween costumes, including this DIY Baymax Costume (2 different ways)! I’m teaming up with Jamie Dorobek and…
It’s no secret we are dog people. Whether you have dogs or not, here’s a fun craft to celebrate today. Start with a couple of favorite dog photos…
Click through to see who’s new and how he came to our family!
Jade has been a part of my life for the last 15 years. A big part. I’ve known her since she was just a day old left on the back porch of a pet store with her malnourished mom and 5 other siblings. She was the runt and the only all brown pup. She came home with me as soon as she was able to leave her mom and has been there waiting for me to walk in the door every day since.
I saw a similar idea last summer using plastic sheeting. My problem with that is you’d die in there in 10 minutes in the desert in the summer…
Since I’m having crazy internet issues trying to get my post up I’ll share pictures from our weekend instead!
Where do you go as a Mom of boys when you head to Southern California (and you they love creepy crawlies)?
Why the Reptile Show of course 😉
p>What’s with boys and critters? It’s like it’s engrained in their DNA to hunt for bugs and have a curiosity about all types of animals. I’m sure if you have an older boy you’ve experienced the fun of having some slimy creature shoved in your face.