

Gifts of experience are an awesome choice but we love wrapping gifts too! This fun personalized gift jar lets you give a cozy movie night all wrapped up in a jar!

We shared a few fun “experience” gift ideas last year and I have a few new ones I wanted to share this year. I LOVE giving gifts of experience but really love being able to give my family members something tangible as well. There’s just something about unwrapping a gift, or watching your family and friends unwrapping a gift, that just makes the day!

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Jade has been a part of my life for the last 15 years. A big part. I’ve known her since she was just a day old left on the back porch of a pet store with her malnourished mom and 5 other siblings. She was the runt and the only all brown pup. She came home with me as soon as she was able to leave her mom and has been there waiting for me to walk in the door every day since.

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I saw a similar idea last summer using plastic sheeting. My problem with that is you’d die in there in 10 minutes in the desert in the summer…

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p>What’s with boys and critters? It’s like it’s engrained in their DNA to hunt for bugs and have a curiosity about all types of animals. I’m sure if you have an older boy you’ve experienced the fun of having some slimy creature shoved in your face.

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