
Turtle Beach RECON CHAT Headset + Giveaway!

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Thanks to Turtle Beach for sponsoring this post and to you for reading content that we love and find inspiring!

I love that my boys can interact with their friends online. I like hearing their silly conversations too, but a lot of the time I prefer that they wear headsets. Sometimes they love to listen to the game through our home surround sound for a fun effect but the chatter from friends got to be too much so in an effort to encourage chatting with friends and still getting the surround sound effect we thought we’d upgrade the headset that came with their Xbox One. Turtle Beach is the category leader in console Gaming Headsets so we went with the Turtle Beach RECON CHAT headset.Turtle Beach RECON CHAT headset and a giveaway! Turtle Beach RECON CHAT headset and a giveaway!Mine and Parker’s favorite feature is the SpecsFit™ glasses friendly design, which alleviates pressure from the headset pushing on your glasses! How cool is that?! Parker has always just dealt with wearing a headset with his glasses. We had NO idea there was an option out there that would make it comfortable for him (and me).Turtle Beach RECON CHAT headset and a giveaway!Turtle Beach RECON CHAT headset and a giveaway!

Thanks to the the unique open ear-cup design the boys can enjoy the effect of the surround sound while still being able to chat with their friends without annoying the rest of us lol! The headset allows for great sound quality from their friends as well as having great quality for the others listening to the boys. That’s always something I hear them talking about – who has the worst mic/sound quality so they were testing his new headset.

Turtle Beach RECON CHAT headset and a giveaway! Turtle Beach RECON CHAT headset and a giveaway! Turtle Beach RECON CHAT headset and a giveaway!

As a mom, I love that they can also still hear if I’m calling them or what else is going on around them.

The Turtle Beach RECON CHAT is super easy to set up and connect to Xbox One and PS4 controllers via the 3.5mm jack.

Turtle Beach RECON CHAT headset and a giveaway! Turtle Beach RECON CHAT headset and a giveaway! Turtle Beach RECON CHAT headset and a giveaway! Turtle Beach RECON CHAT headset and a giveaway!

It’s a great option for an upgrade if you’re looking to replace the one that came with your gaming system. As a bonus, the boys can play a game together and not argue with each others friends. 😉

My boys bond over video games but they like the option to have their own time too. Or time just with their own friends.

Turtle Beach RECON CHAT headset and a giveaway!

Guess what? Turtle Beach has an opportunity for you to win one of their Turtle Beach RECON CHAT Headsets to see if you like it too! Just enter via the widget below – good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Turtle Beach RECON CHAT headset and a giveaway!

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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!

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