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We’re sharing our #AFTBYearofAdventure with #LISTERINE as part of a sponsored series for Socialstars™ with LISTERINE®.
We’ve set out to take bold actions and make bold choices this year for our year of adventure! We want to make bold choices to be an example for our boys. This was inspired by LISTERINE®’S Bring Out the Bold™ campaign! They just kicked off a super fun campaign where they talk about fun things LISTERINE users are more likely to do. We thought we’d take the challenge and use it as a way to help us “Bring Out the Bold” in our year of adventure!
I usually love taking risks and making bold choices, but one thing I’ve been kind of dragging my feet on is being in front of the camera more! I’m all about making and keeping memories, but I am the first to offer to be behind the camera. Both because I love doing it, but also because I’m super critical of myself when I’m on the other end of it. Especially because I tend to make weird faces so much that it’s impossible to even get a decent screen shot lol!
Part of my business goals for this year includes video so that means I have to get comfortable being in front of the camera! I’ve been doing just that – creating videos with me IN them, hopefully not looking like this.
I’ve also been trying to get in more photos as well. I’ve actually been using SnapChat as a fun way to take more video/photo with me in them. It’s a little less bold than a full on Facebook live video but a change in the right direction none the less!
I’m getting there! The biggest, boldest hurdle was taking that step to be ok with regularly being on camera and being ok with being on camera with my hair thrown up because I am not going to perfectly do my hair every day 😛
So, even though the boys might be making faces at me on the other end (or I’m making enough faces for all of us). I think I’m getting into a video groove!
And look this post has 6 different pictures of me that I can’t hide behind someone in. I’d say that’s pretty bold for me! If you’re curious several of my recent videos are on YouTube here. And if you don’t already follow us on Facebook you may want to because we have some live video plans this week!
What bold choices do you need to make this year?!
I love your hair up! So cute. Be yourself and Go BOLD!
Aww Thank you!
Love this! I can totally relate! I think I need to get more bold too by doing more videos and being in front of the camera more also, as opposed to hiding.
Do it! The only ones holding us back is ourselves!